FBI staff who dedicated the agency's new 360,000-square-foot Biometric Technology Center (BTC), located in Clarksburg, West Virginia say it will enhance cooperative biometric investigations.Speaking at the launch, FBI Executive Assistant Director Amy Hess, Science and Technology Branch said the 360,000-square-foot Biometric Technology Center (BTC) “will be a home for a joint biometric research and development efforts between the FBI, the Pentagon, and other agencies.”Located on the campus of our Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Division, the BTC is expected to enable the Bureau's CJIS Division, which has the largest centralized collection of biometric information in the world, and the DOD, with its military biometrics database systems, to make advances in a variety of identification technologies like DNA, iris recognition, voice patterns, facial patterns, and palm prints.FBI and DOD biometrics experts working side-by-side in the facility will also focus on biometrics product certification, training, standards development, privacy rights, and research and development into emerging technologies.