South Korean biometrics firm Suprema has announced plans to create an advanced identity management solution for biometric access with Genetec, a manufacturer of open platform, unified IP security solutions.The agreement will see Suprema biometric devices paired with Genetec's Security Center unified security platform through Entertech Systems' BioConnect 3.0 identity management platform.Suprema says the integration will simplify the process of deploying, enrolling and managing biometrics for secure access control in any situation. Suprema devices integrated with Genetec Security Center include its BioStation T2, BioStation, BioEntry Plus, BioEntry W, BioLite Net and BioMini.”Suprema is very pleased to integrate its global leading biometrics technology into Genetec Security Center. The benefits of True Identity will offer enhanced security and extra convenience for the Synergis access control features in Genetec Security Center,” said Young S. Moon, Vice President of Suprema. “This integration includes a wide range of premium biometric-driven access control devices that are suitable for indoor and outdoor installation, and will efficiently meet a wide range of system requirements.”Francois Brouillet, Access Control Product Manager for Genetec, said: “With this new integration between Security Center and Suprema biometric devices, our customers will be able to overcome some of the major barriers to biometric adoption.”The firm points out that biometric access security means that companies no longer have to worry about the security risks involved in approximation technologies like cards, PINs, fobs or keys – which can be borrowed, shared, lost or stolen.”Access control events generated by biometric devices can be monitored centrally through Security Center, while activity reports from doors with Suprema biometric devices can be consolidated with traditional doors and also linked with video for greater situational awareness.”