South Korean biometrics firm Suprema has revealed that three additional RF card format variant models have been added to the line-up of its range for the BioStation 2 optical fingerprint scanner.The new models support 125KHz EM, 125KHz HID Prox, and 13.56MHz HID iClass SE RF standards and complete the RF line up that already supported 13.56MHz MiFare/DesFire/DesFire EV1/Felica/NFC formats.The firm stated that these new additions will help it expand its customer base with specific RF card format requirements, especially in the US and UK.Launched in April, Suprema says the terminal uses powerful hardware and sophisticated algorithms to improve accuracy and provide matching speeds of up to 20,000 fingerprints per second.”I envision BioStation 2 as the beginning of a new era in biometrics. Recent advancements in technology have redefined the limits of a biometric terminal. A single terminal can offer the benefits of biometrics for a small office to a metropolitan area such as Miami,” said Young S. Moon, VP of Suprema Inc. “BioStation 2's potential is fully realized through BioStar 2. BioStar 2 will serve as a core for the Suprema's future ecosystem.”