The Biometrics Institute has finalised the revised version of its Biometrics Privacy Guidelines."The Biometrics Privacy Guidelines have been designed by the Biometrics Institute to provide a guide for suppliers, end users, researchers, managers and purchasers of biometric systems," says Isabelle Moeller, chief executive of the Biometrics Institute. "It is the public's assurance that the biometric managers have followed best practice privacy principles when designing, implementing and managing biometric based projects."The guidelines are intended to be a guide across many different countries and jurisdictions. It takes into account that biometrics and information technologies do connect beyond national boundaries and across different fields as diverse as health records, border controls, retail, consumer based applications in the telecommunications industry, finance and banking and drivers' licenses.The Biometrics Privacy Guidelines contain 16 principles addressing issues such as Respect for Client Privacy, Proportionality, Informed Consent, Protection of Biometric Data Collected, Purpose, Accountability, Sharing of biometric data, Transmission of Biometric Data Beyond National Boundaries and Employee Biometric Data Must be Protected amongst others.The Biometrics Privacy Guidelines will be given to organisations joining the Biometrics Institute or renewing their membership to provide guidance for the implementation of biometric technologies. A review of the guidelines is planned in two years' time to keep it current.